The Alchemy of Energetic Alignment To Create Quantum Leaps In Your Business And Life

It’s time for a deep energetic transformation to activate your next level and quantum leap!

It’s time for a deep energetic transformation to activate your next level and quantum leap!

As Featured In

You have heart and soul led desires, yet don’t have the results that mirror the work you’ve put in.

Frustrating, right?

There’s nothing worse than knowing the immense value you bring to the world, having spent years doing inner work —yet the fruits of the time and energy never seem to be catching up.

This is for you if

You have heart and soul led desires yet don’t have the results that mirror and reflect the work you’ve put in.

You know you’re here to do BIG work in the world and use your gifts to raise the consciousness of it.

You’re putting in the energy and the work yet haven’t been able to tap into the infinite flow and possibilities you know are available to you.

You’ve taken the manifestation and business courses yet don’t see the results that were promised.

You’ve set intention after intention and aligned your chakras to create a quantum leap yet nothing has manifested as quickly as you’d like it to.

Witnessing others attract the abundance, prosperity and relationships yet wondering what you’re doing wrong.

You’re ready to FINALLY have your breakthrough and claim what’s available for you.

You can read books, listen to podcasts and take courses but if your energy isn’t aligned to match your desires —it’ll never “work.”
So what’s the secret to magnetic energy and effortless attraction of what you’re desiring in business and in life?
Upgrading your energy to energetically align to and match your desires.

To become one with it.

Your energy and subconscious mind has to be comfortable and feel safe with your next level. Your frequency and vibration needs to be aligned with what it is you’re desiring or you push it away.

You have to activate your inner badass and step into your next level of greatness and success before there’s any proof of it.

And you have to tap into the limitless energy that’s available to you to that wants to flow to and through you. 

And most importantly: learn how to energize faith and hold that as your frequency instead of going in and out of fear.

I believe that God wants us to have absolutely everything we desire and that our only job is to energize faith and believe it’s possible while letting him do the heavy lifting.


Once you learn how to work with energy, use the support that’s available and align yourself to the frequency that matches your desire, the game changes. 

As you do the energetic work, everything in your life expands and grows.

Suddenly you’re not only attracting more clients, abundance and opportunities into your life but you do it with EASE.

It’s no longer hard or a struggle as your energy now does all of the work.

So many amazing and talented women know what to do to grow their business yet are energetically out of shape.

I know what it’s like to be driven and feel like you’re doing everything right yet not know how to become energetically aligned with your next level expansion.

Client Love


“Words cannot do justice to the shifts I have experienced during the 6 months I’ve been a member of Taylor’s Inner Circle! I have felt the shackles of self judgment, playing small and people pleasing quite literally crumble away and have remembered my own strong, authentic voice in the process. Taylor is an absolutely lovely human! Her enthusiasm, integrity, conviction, strength and love shines through in everything she does, and although she is a very powerful teacher, at her core she is here to remind all of us beautiful women that we already have tremendous power within ourselves, which is ours to claim if we are willing to do the deep work! I will be eternally grateful to Taylor for shining her light so strongly, and helping so many other women (including myself) to do the same.”

– Kristy C.


To experience what it’s like to feel freedom and fulfilment like you’ve never experienced before.

To never have to worry about money or being provided for ever again because you are the source and the supply of it ALL and divinely supported by God.

This 6 module paradigm shifting program is for you if you want to:

This 6 Module paradigm shifting program is for you if you want to:

Attract higher level clients and opportunities with ease and without hustle

Upgrade your prosperity consciousness and charge more and openly receive

Raise your energetic frequency and expand your energetic field so that you breakthrough expired versions of yourself and limitations

Energetically hold the frequency of overflow which becomes your new energetic standard

Experience quantum transformation on all levels and every area of your life because you’ve cleared and upgraded your energy

Be seen, known and fully in your power knowing you’re worthy of having it all.

Create more certainty and full trust in yourself and a higher power who wants you to have everything you desire and increase and deepen your faith in what’s possible for you

Balance and utilize masculine and feminine energies to enhance your attraction abilities in business and relationships 

Tap into higher consciousness and align to your higher self to channel more creativity and prolific and potent content and voice

Feel a sense of worthiness like you’ve never felt before because of the energetic upgrades and alchemy you’ll experience throughout

Alchemize lower frequency energies that hold you back in business and in life

I know that these energetic teachings and upgrades work because I have experienced them myself. I was once stuck and struggling to break through my own glass ceiling. Once I learned the exact blueprint, alchemy and teachings in Divine Flow, my whole world shifted in powerful ways. It wasn’t because of a strategy I learned or a new business course, it was all energetics.

meet taylor

Taylor Stone is a leader in higher consciousness, self mastery and energetics. 

Through her top rated podcast “Vibe Higher” and her expansive courses and mentorship, Taylor helps high achieving women raise their frequency to attract what it is they desire. She provides the tools to help women create their individual heaven on earth working in conjunction with a higher power (God) and their own responsibility and a powerful co-creator.

Combining her background as a former NFL Cheerleader, health sciences degrees, self mastery and alchemical energy healing practices, she’s able to provide her clients with a wide range of proven modalities and techniques to step more into their power and impact in the world.

Her mission is to help women remember the power they hold within to become their own self healer and live out their full purpose and potential as a leader.

Client Love

“Working 1 on 1 with Taylor was such an incredibly expansive experience! Her 1 on 1 coaching container gave me the space to work through all of my blocks – especially the subconscious ones I didn’t even know were there – and step into a whole new level of abundance! She really creates a safe space for you to be you, but also will see more in you. I am so thankful to have had this opportunity to clear more fear and step into my true power”-

Christina Kelly

Content Breakdown

Module 1: Paradigm Shifting To Infinite Possibilities

Understanding Why Your Desires Are Your Birthright And Of God And Why You Have To Fulfill Them. Reprogramming Your Mind And Creating A New Relationship With How You See Money

Module 2: Advanced Energetics of Manifestation

Moving Out Old Energy And Using Alchemy To Upgrade Your Life And Business. Stepping Into Your Worthiness Of Your Desires

Module 3: Mastering Money And Increasing Your Ability To Receive

Elevating And Expanding Your Energetic Field To Match The Vibration Of Abundance And Prosperity Consciousness

Module 4: Masculine And Feminine Marriage To Skyrocket Your Attraction

Perfectly Blending The Being And Doing To Create Overflow In Your Life

Module 5: Activating Intuition and creativity + Connecting to the Field

Leading With Unwavering Trust And The Energy Of Worthiness And Expectation That It’s Already Done.

Module 6: Tapping Into Divine Guidance and Calibrating to the Frequency of your Higher Self

Allowing Your New Energetic State Effortlessly Attract Your Quantum Leaps.

Integration Worksheets And Journaling Prompts For Each Module
(Value $444)

Integrate the content of each module with these powerful worksheets and journal prompts created to help you break through your upper limits and self sabotaging behaviors

Tapping To Clear And Raise The Frequency Of Your Energetic Field
(Value $222)

Powerful EFT Tapping Video To Clear Your Energetic Field To Attract More Abundance 

Key Codes And Frequencies 101: How To Raise Your Vibrational Frequency (Value $1,111)

Learn Exactly How To Work With Alchemy To Call In What You Desire

Are you energetically blocking yourself from your next level income, abundance and expansion?

It’s time to change this and master your energy and activate your quantum leap!
The details of What You Receive inside divine flow:

6 Zoom Call Trainings

6 Integration Worksheets and Journaling Prompts

Tapping To Clear And Raise The Frequency Of Your Energetic Field: Powerful EFT Tapping Video To Clear Your Energetic Field To Attract More Abundance

These teachings are a culmination of 5 years learning what works and what doesn’t when it comes to creating more prosperity and abundance into your life. 

Proven energetic principles to create quantum leaps in your business and life which you will have the opportunity to apply indefinitely beyond these 6 weeks.

You’ll get to skip past the trial and error and frustration, not to mention time, energy and money of taking course after course with little to show for it. I’m here to help you collapse time and become a powerful energetic match to your desires and show you how possible it is.

There’s a new paradigm of how we make an impact in the world and it has everything to do with your energy and less with your strategy.

When you activate the limitless power within you, everything changes inside and outside of you and you begin to attract with EASE.

An overflow of abundance is your birthright.

It’s time to tap into the Divine Flow that’s available and claim your quantum leap in every area of your life!